Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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Text File
408 lines
(c) 1992 Tim Vasquez
I. INTRODUCTION. RadarScan! (Big fanfare, please). It's a
command-line controlled program which plots high-resolution color radar
maps from text files containing raw National Weather Service radar data.
It's an excellent tool for pilots, amateur weather persons, storm
spotters, storm chasers, and anyone who wants to have the upper hand on
the Weather Channel!
Overall, RadarScan produces charts that are strikingly similar to
those disseminated over NAFAX circuits by the National Meteorological
Center. But not only can it overlay echo features and heights. It can
overlay customized geographical features such as highways and cities.
It shows the status of ALL radar stations involved, which lets you know
where coverage may be lacking. And since it's as fast as your data
source, it can give you a map which is only 10 minutes old!
Finally, RadarScan also does away with those warped "teletype"-style
radar dot maps available on many databases. If you've used one of them,
you know how difficult it is to locate a city accurately or plot
straight-line routes.
II. REQUIREMENTS. You need a PC with at least EGA (640 x 350 x 16) graphics.
A 286 (AT) or higher grade computer is recommended for best processing
speed. Finally, a source of radar data is required which does not modify
the report (CompuServe, AccuWeather, etc).
III. TERMS OF USE. This program is shareware! If you use it past 30 days,
you are required to register.
Like most other people, I use and register my shareware. But I know
how irritating it is to register a program where the authors ask for $30,
$40, even $50! Not me -- I think $10 is a fair price for us both. So
send in your registration! The address? Tim Vasquez, 3222 Kingswood
Drive, Garland, Texas 75040.
In return, I'll mail you a 5 1/4" disk containing the full-blown
version of the program. It features zooming, city and highway overlays,
and optimization. Plus, you get expanded documentation which includes
a guide to radar reports and severe thunderstorm structure. And even if
the price goes up, you've already entitled yourself to free updates.
It's EASY to update your registered copy! If I update the program,
I'll update the "demo" on CompuServe. You should be able to find a copy
in the AVSIG forum. All you have to do is download this file and unzip it
in a temporary directory. Then simply copy RADAR.EXE file from it to your
RadarScan directory. When you run the new program, RADARSCAN WILL
RECOGNIZE THAT YOU ARE REGISTERED and will disable its demo mode. If
you're not on CompuServe, you may send a blank disk and a self-addressed
stamped envelope (disk mailer) to the above address to receive any
If you're on any BBSs, you have my blessing to upload and distribute
this package freely. My only restrictions -- you may not tamper with the
content of the RadarScan package in any way, nor can you sell the package
for profit or include it as part of another package.
If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, you may direct
them to the above address, or to CompuServe 71611,2267.
IV. QUICK DEMONSTRATION. To see the demonstration data, change the current
directory to that holding RadarScan. Then, enter:
The "1" is a parameter which indicates that you want to see data in the
file "SAMPLE" for the hour of 01:00 UTC (or Zulu, Z, time). To convert
UTC to Eastern Standard Time, subtract 5 hours). The program will then
only examine reports for 01:20 to 01:40 UTC (roughly about 8:30 pm EST).
When you are done looking at the map, hit a key.
V. OPERATION. Here's what it takes to use RadarScan. Once you get familiar
with the process, you can take advantage of the command-line parameter
structure to build batch and script files which automates the entire
process to your own specifications. And with the right software, you can
even let your PC dial up a new radar map every hour -- automatically!
A. ACCESS the data. Using any quality terminal communications program,
log into your database and capture ALL radar reports in the United
States for the hour. An entire hour's worth of radar reports usually
takes about 10K of space and about 1 minute to receive at 2400 baud.
On CompuServe, access data by entering GO AWX to go to the
aviation weather menu. Type SD @ALL at the menu.
On AccuWeather, the command is RADU * C. On other databases,
consult the user's guide for accessing all reports.
Radar reports are filed at about 35 minutes past the hour, so it
is wise to postpone data access between the minutes of :25 and :40.
Otherwise, you will get a mixed bag of old and new reports, and not as
many reports will be plotted.
B. CAPTURE the data. To do this, turn on your "capture" or "disk log"
function to capture the raw radar reports. Make up any file name. If
you prefer to let RadarScan choose the file, capture the data to
RADAR.TXT in the RadarScan directory.
You may prefer to use my own method. I enter the date for a
filename, and the hour for the file extension. For example, if I get
22:35 UTC reports for June 8, 1992 (UTC date), I will enter 08JUN92.22Z
as a filename. To clean up my directories, I can use DOS wildcard
commands (for example, DEL ??JUN??.* gets rid of all June reports).
If you are saving to an existing filename, make sure that it
doesn't contain reports for the same hour from another day. This will
confuse RadarScan, which has no way of telling the dates apart. The
best policy is to have the capture command destroy the file if it
While the data comes across, note the time shown on the reports.
This will make it easy to remember what UTC time to enter when running
C. RUN RadarScan. Exit the telecommunications program, change the
current directory to the RadarScan directory, and run RadarScan using
command-line parameters as shown below. When the legend appears, you
may invoke your system's screen-dump program to send the picture to the
printer. In any case, hit any key to exit the program.
Command structure (insert spaces between all groups):
RADAR [file] time [/z(zoom)] [/a] [/c] [/h(height)] [/r]
file = Optional filename for the raw data. If no filename
is specified, data will be accessed from RADAR.TXT.
You may path out of the RadarScan directory to access
the datafile (e.g. C:\DATA\14JUN92.04Z).
time = Mandatory. Hour of the data in UTC (Z) time. If you
are unsure, check the times of the reports manually.
/z(zoom) = REGISTERED VERSION. Immediately after /z enter a radar
station ID and a zoom size from 1-9 to center the map on
that location. For example, /zokc5 zooms on Oklahoma
City with a size of 5 (the larger, the wider the area).
/a = Optional. When /a is selected, it accesses the alternate
palette. This is helpful, for example, to get a different
color set for your screen dump program.
/c = Optional. REGISTERED VERSION. When selected, RadarScan
overlays customized city locations onto zoomed images.
/h(height)= Optional. REGISTERED VERSION. When selected, plots
maximum tops, hail, hook echoes, BWERs, and LEWP
locations. It does this on either the national map or
zoomed maps. If a height is specified, only storm tops
above that level will be plotted, along with all other
features, which greatly reduces clutter.
/r = Optional. REGISTERED VERSION. When selected, overlays
customized geography patterns (highways, roads, airways,
county lines, etc) onto the image. Only for zoomed
VI. HOW RADARSCAN WORKS. RadarScan sifts through the U.S. weather radar
network reports and squeezes out all possible data. Its main source of
information is from MDR (manually digitized radar) code and
polar-coordinate cell reports in the report (echo areas are not used since
they often duplicate the MDR data).
MDR data describes intensity levels within a 20-mile grid (variable
with latitude) overlaid on the radar sweep area. Using MDR data,
RadarScan builds the best possible image by painting a "base map" of light
precipitation, then discretely painting higher intensities on top. Since
high intensities usually cover a small region, the size of the pixels are
drawn as a reduced size. The entire process does some time, but this is
in order to produce the best map quality available.
The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) operates a network of long
range air-traffic control radars across the western United States.
RadarScan reads these reports, too.
If heights are desired (and if the program is registered), RadarScan
will then sort through the radar reports again. It will find significant
cloud-top heights and plot these on top of the image. It also looks for
important radar signatures such as hail, line-echo wave patterns (LEWPs, a
dangerous squall-line pattern), bounded weak-echo regions (BWERS, also
known as "vaults" which indicate tornadogenesis), and tornadic hook
echoes. It plots the precise location of these features on top of the
color map.
VII. INTERPRETATION. Since a single, small radar echo can straddle a grid
border, the MDR code may take more grid boxes than neccessary to define
it. This makes radar echoes somewhat larger than they really are, an
effect known as "blooming". Although radar operators try to reduce this,
it is an inherent drawback of gridding radar echoes and may be reflected
by RadarScan.
Here are the elements of a radar chart:
A. RADAR SITES. They are identified in RadarScan by a mark or an
abbreviation, precisely centered on the radar site. It will appear as
* + -- The site is reporting echoes, which have been plotted.
* NE -- PPINE, Plan Position Indicator No Echoes. The radar is not
detecting any echoes.
* NA -- PPINA, Plan Position Indicator Not Available. The radar is
inoperative, but is not down due to maintenance.
* OM -- PPIOM, Plan Position Indicator Out for Maintenance.
* NS -- PPINS, Plan Position Indicator No Significant echoes. Echoes
are very small (cover only 20% or less of the grid box) and do not
exceed VIP 1.
* DE -- PPIDE, Plan Position Indicator Duplicate Echo. Although
the site is detecting echoes, a sister radar is reporting them, so no
report will be made. Used by the FAA air traffic control centers
where the meteorologist sees several radar displays at once.
B. VIP LEVELS. All radars contain circuitry which shows the radar
operator the intensity of different parts of the echo pattern. These
have a direct relation to the amount of rainwater contained within the
cloud. At high intensity levels, this implies that a strong convective
process is occurring, which often means hail. However, the presence of
hail means that less rainfall is occurring than otherwise might be
RadarScan assigns different colors to different VIP (intensity)
1 Weak < 0.10 < 0.20 Light rain
2 Moderate 0.10-0.50 0.20-1.10 Healthy rain shower
3 Strong 0.50-1.00 1.10-2.20 Thunderstorm
4 Very Strong 2.20-4.50 Strong tstm, some hail
5 Intense 4.50-7.10 Severe tstm, hail
6 Extreme 7.10+ Severe tstm, hail
8 Distant Heavy
9 Distant Light
C. ECHO TOPS. By tilting the radar antenna, the radar operator can
construct a cross section of the thunderstorm on a special display.
From this, the height of the storm can be determined.
On raw reports and in RadarScan, echo tops are indicated in
hundreds of feet MSL (above mean sea level). The tops have a direct
relation to the amount of energy available to the storm, but this does
not imply that the storm releases it destructively. For example, we
might think a 70,000 foot storm would create death and destruction, but
weak "popcorn" storms seen in the southern U.S. during the middle of
summer sometimes reach these heights without any significant severe
As a general guide, this table will indicate the usual content of
storms based on echo height.
20,000 Usually the minimum for a rainshower to become a thunderstorm
30,000 Normal height of summertime popcorn thunderstorms
40,000 Strong thunderstorm with heavy rain and isolated severe wx
50,000 Storm often contains hail, heavy rains, high wind
60,000 Normal height of springtime tornadic thunderstorms, Grt Plains
VIII. CUSTOMIZING THE PROGRAM. With a little experimentation and effort, you
can configure RadarScan for your own setup. Whether you run an amateur
weather station, fly cross-country, or monitor weather for a company,
RadarScan can be tailored to your specifications.
A. GEOGRAPHY. (Registered users only). All geography can be modified by
the user. There are two geography sets -- the North American "map"
set, and the "road" set. Both are alike, and are both contained within
the file RADAR.PLT.
To get inside this file, use MS-DOS's EDIT command or any similar
ASCII editor. Each row defines a point and represents the continuation
of a line. When the latitude/longitude of -1 and -1 is reached, a new
"map" line is plotted. When a latitude/longitude of -2 and -2 is
reached, a new "road" line is plotted. The difference between a "map"
and "road" set is that display of the "road" set is optional, based on
whether /R is entered when the program is executed. The road set can
also have a different color.
For all entries, simply follow the layout of the existing data as
a guide.
B. CITIES. (Registered users only). All cities can be modified by the
user, and are contained within RADAR.CTY. Use any ASCII editor such as
MS-DOS EDIT to modify this file. The sample file included contains
airfields and cities in Texas and Oklahoma.
Delete or modify this file as much as you like, but do not
eliminate it, otherwise you may have problems. The leftmost three
columns contain the identifier of the city to be plotted. You can do
like I do -- identify airfields by their standard three-letter code,
and identify towns and cities by an arbitrary two-letter system.
The city identifier is located in columns 1-3. The city name is
located in columns 6-29 (for your own use only). Columns 30-31 contain
the latitude in degrees, and columns 33-34 contain the latitude in
minutes. Columns 36-38 contain the longitude in degrees, and columns
40-41 contain the longitude in minutes. If there are any unused
columns, fill them with zeroes (i.e. write 79 degrees longitude as
'079'). See the file itself for an example.
C. RADAR SITES. If new stations appear in the U.S. radar network, the
user can make corrections to add new stations. Stations can also be
deleted. The radar sites are contained within RADAR.STN. Use any
ASCII editor such as MS-DOS EDIT to modify this file.
The three-digit identifier is contained in columns 1-3. This
MUST be in uppercase and must match the exact identifier used in the
radar reports. Columns 8-9 contain the latitude of the station in
degrees. Columns 10-11 contain the latitude of the station in minutes.
Columns 13-15 contain the longitude of the station in degrees. Columns
16-17 contain the longitude of the station in minutes. Fill any unused
columns with zeroes (i.e. enter 82 degrees, 5 minutes longitude as
D. COLORS. You don't like the colors? No problem. You can adjust them
to your own tastes. All you need is a text editor.
There are two files containing the palette -- these are RADAR.CO1
and RADAR.CO2. RADAR.CO1 is the primary file used by the program.
When the /A option is selected, the alternate palette RADAR.CO2 is
Both files are alike and can be edited with an ASCII text editor
such as MS-DOS's EDIT command. Here is a breakdown of the file:
1 Background color value (normally black, 0)
2 Color value for radar intensity level 1 (light precip)
3 Color value for radar intensity level 2 (moderate)
4 Color value for radar intensity level 3 (heavy)
5 Color value for radar intensity level 4 (very heavy)
6 Color value for radar intensity level 5 (intense)
7 Color value for radar intensity level 6 (extreme)
8 Color value for text (storm heights, features, etc)
9 Color value for radar intensity level 8 (distant heavy)
10 Color value for radar intensity level 9 (distant light)
11 Color value for "map" geography and radar status text
12 Color value for miscellaneous graphics (box borders, etc)
13 Color value for city/town/airport geography
14 Color value for "road" geography
0 Black 6 Brown 11 Light Cyan
1 Blue 7 Light Gray 12 Light Red
2 Green 8 Dark Gray 13 Light Magenta
3 Cyan 9 Light Blue 14 Yellow
4 Red 10 Light Green 15 White
5 Magenta
IX. TROUBLESHOOTING. RadarScan contains many algorithms which are designed
to catch human errors made by those disseminating the radar reports.
While it succeeds in dodging most of them, you may find a few that slip
through the cracks. So if you see an echo height of 90,000 feet or a hook
echo over Idaho, you might want to browse through the raw text file using
an ASCII editor (such as MS-DOS EDIT) and correct any deficiencies in the
data that you see. Or, of course, you can just ignore it.
Make sure that you have all RadarScan files residing within the same
directory and that you CHANGE DIRECTORY to it before running RADAR.
RadarScan will not run if called from another directory.
Also, be sure that your data source does not "tamper" with the
content of the raw reports. Even something as simple as stripping the
equal signs (end of report markers) off the ends of the observations or
adding extra characters will cause problems with the program. It would be
nice if the program had pure "fuzzy logic" to handle these situations, but
such is not the case. Fortunately, I haven't seen any data sources yet
which do this. If you do encounter problems, contact me, or write
yourself a utility which will preprocess the raw data.
Finally, if you store, say, 1935Z data, ensure that there is no
1935Z data from another day. RadarScan cannot tell the two reports apart,
and you may get some strange looking maps. You can avoid this by setting
up your telecommunications program to destroy any existing capture file
before opening one with the same name.
X. PRECISION. Again, the image is only as accurate as the raw data and
technical limitations of weather radar and of RadarScan's interpretation
scheme. However, RadarScan uses precision in handling the data. All
coordinates are transformed mathematically through the polar stereographic
projection formula, so placement error is nominal and is subject to the
precision of the data.
The national MDR grid is based on the LFM-I grid used by National
Meteorological Center supercomputers. I don't have their mathematical
formula for translating Cartesian MDR coordinates to lat/long. I've
tested some of my own formulas -- they come close but don't meet my
standards of precision. Therefore, all echoes are vector-mapped from the
radar site using MM as the center location without any gridbox offset.
However, the vector direction is adjusted to account for the MDR-north
declination across the United States. Overall, the maximum position error
of all echoes relative to the real-world is subject to the limitations of
the MDR grid (about 20 nautical miles), plus the deviation of
vector-mapping instead of using a mathematical MDR grid (about 10 more
miles). It is fairly accurate, and the method interestingly removes much
of the "blockiness" from the map.
Storm features, cloud tops, and so on are mapped exactly as transmitted
-- vector coordinates from the radar site. Therefore, the error relative
to the real world is about 1 nautical mile for this data, increasing
slightly with distance due to azimuth fanning.
Geographical boundaries, cities, and et cetera are mapped directly and
mathematically and should contain no intrinsic error.
XI. IN THE WORKS? Some ideas being considered for RadarScan updates include
time-lapse animation and keystroke area movement. Another feature that
might appear is automatic data-source dialing. Also, algorithms are being
worked on which reduce processing time.
KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. The author makes no claims or representation
as to its accuracy, reliability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The
author disavows any liability connected with the program and
documentation. In other words, you use it at your own risk! If you want
guaranteed precision and reliability, you may want to instead consider the
thousand-dollar-plus packages produced for the weather industry.
Although I will try to correct all errors and release updates, you
should use the data with caution and common sense (especially for you
pilots). Unformatted weather reports severely test the limitations of any
processing method, and since this is a spare-time project for me, I
haven't had the time to explore every last data string that could cause
this program to malfunction.
V1.0 7/04/92. Initial version.
V1.1. 7/22/92. Eliminated processing of extraneous remarks from FAA ARTCC
radar sites. Status boxes displayed at bottom of screen while program
runs. Added user-defined ability to filter out low cloud tops when
plotting storm heights. Slight documentation modifications.